IAEA DS525 Chemistry Programme for Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants
ARPANSA coordinates comments on behalf of Australia on IAEA draft documents. The IAEA is seeking comments from their member states on a new draft IAEA Safety Guide – DS524 Radiation Protection Aspects of Design for Nuclear Power Plants
What is the purpose of the guide?
The object of the safety guide is to provide guidance on provisions that should be made in the design of nuclear power plants to protect site personnel, the public and the environment against radiological hazards for operational states, accident conditions and decommissioning.
How to make a comment
Comments are requested in relation to:
- Relevance and usefulness: Are the stated objectives appropriate and are they met by the draft text?
- Scope and completeness: Is the scope appropriate and is it adequately covered by the draft text?
- Quality and clarity: Does the guidance in the draft text represent the current consensus among specialists in the field and is this guidance expressed clearly and coherently?
- Safety-security interfaces: Does the draft text appropriately address the interfaces between safety and nuclear security?
Comments of an editorial nature will be considered; however, it should be noted that the IAEA Secretariat will comprehensively edit the draft text. Any comments should be made in English, should refer to the relevant paragraph number in the draft text being reviewed, and should propose alternative text where appropriate.
ARPANSA will compile all comments before providing the national input to the IAEA. Please use the comment template for individual guides provided to have your say.
Please submit the comment template(s) via email to stakeholdercomment@arpansa.gov.au.
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